Golliwog Clown Dennis Three Clowns

Dancing Letters


These attractive "Clown Kites" are based on the original (above bottom right) made by John Southerton.
Sorry the group above isn't in colour but, at the JCB Open Day, Uttoxeter, another clown took the picture and set the camera to B&W. Click on a clown to see a coloured picture.

The intention is to use these pages to show the various "clown" kites made by fliers everywhere.

At present, we know of several variations:

Essentially, the kite is a hexagon with a special sort of tail. But there's a little more to it than that. We hope to include a drawing of the original design so that kite makers can easily develop new versions. Sorry there's no drawing yet, but for more information go to: More Details.

To read how it all started, see John Southerton's Notes.

NOTE: These pages are still under construction. If you have any Clown Kite pictures please send them to us and, hopefully, we can include them here.

Original Clown
1. Golliwog by Dennis Roberts
2. Clown by John Southerton
3. Martian by Dilys Beeching
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You are the Counterperson to visit the clowns since 19 July 2000. Don't you think clown kites ought to be more popular?