Box Kites

The cell kites are kites built by several plain surfaces building together a three dimensional form.
Because of the high lift and stability they were often used for different things like meteorological experiments, areal photography and for lifting persons.
The compound kites are box or cell kites with wings or other things attached for improving the stability, the lift or for just making them looking better.
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Peter Lynn 3D box Andrea Casalboni
1 line, boxes ita
Plano Heinrich Vogelmann
1 line, boxes deu
Pomorserf Halit Cebeci
1 line, boxes tur
Potter Drachen Ralf Dietrich
1 line, boxes deu
Quasi Walter Gregori
1 line, boxes ita
Regal Drachen Joseph Lecornu
1 line, boxes deu
Rigel Theo
1 line, boxes ned
Rogallo Corner Kite Ed Grauel
1 line, boxes eng
Rogallo Corner Kite Ed Grauel
1 line, boxes eng
Rogallo-Corner Kite Peter Schmidt
1 line, boxes deu
Saturnus 95 Vlieger Magazin
1 line, boxes ned
Sauls Barrage Kite Thomas-Michael Rudolph
1 line, boxes deu
Sneeuwvlok, een facet Roland Mathijssen
1 line, boxes ned
Snowflake Christophe Gronier
1 line, boxes fra
Snowflake Christophe Gronier
1 line, boxes eng
Snowflake 2m Philip Le Riche
1 line, boxes eng
SquareFlake Gary Engvall
1 line, boxes eng
Starbox Jan van Leeuwen
1 line, boxes ned
Super Conyne Arthur Kurle
1 line, boxes eng
Tensioned Sail Obtuse Tetra Sam Huston
1 line, boxes eng
Tetracaideca Geert Donker Duyvis
1 line, boxes eng
Tetraédricas con materiales se Juan Miguel Suay
1 line, boxes esp
Tetrahedron Halit Cebeci
1 line, boxes tur
Tetrahedron Halit Cebeci
1 line, boxes tur
Tetrahedron Kite Proyect Glenda Woodburn
1 line, boxes eng
TetraLite Kites Mark Snyder
1 line, boxes eng
1 line, boxes eng
Trasbag Box Margaret Greger
1 line, boxes eng
Tri-D Box Kite Peter Lynn
1 line, boxes eng
1 line, boxes ned